Kenscoff School Visit
/Little recap of the day as told by Teagan:
Today we visited Kenscoff to bring some T12 kids back to their home and to visit the school that has been closed for three years. T12 is looking into what it would take to get it back up and running. We were so welcomed by the community and God really provided opportunity for us there today. The hike was long and difficult but God truly blessed us and kept us safe especially our vehicle!
My word of the day is UNKNOWN.
Driving to kenskoff people on our team felt sick and they were silent. When someone would talk it would startle others. The unknown of today's trip was unsettling. The unknown is the moment the enemy sneaks in. I was so proud of my team after the initial shock of the unknown. The day took a turn on the way home and the minute we got in the car the laughing and talking and being silly began. Praise God for energy bursts. God took the enemy out of the unknown so we could be in a place to embrace it in the processing. The views we are seeing on top of this mountain are out of this world. It is the closest I have ever been to touching the majesty of God. Today I understood that word...majesty. It's a really cool word you guys :)
The unknown of who we will and will not see again is the hardest for me. Watching goodbyes and experiencing them are emotional. An obvious statement, but a real one. We just have to trust that God gave us sweet moments and He is doing good with them whether we realize or not. It's in His hands whether we see them again or not. And it's in His hands and yours what you choose to do about it.
I pray that we never loose our wonder. I want to wonder forever. I don't want all of the answers. Because I know God will surprise me everyday with the unknown.
Looking out over the land from the mountin raises so much unknown within us. But it is good. I love the unknown. It's why I live my life the way I do. God calls us into the unknown. That's how we know it's good. Amen.
Teagan Paige Mohs
The views today were surreal.
Hiking where the roads won't allow our car.
So cool! We were floating in the clouds.
Visiting Chrisla's Teacher's home.
Kenzie, Chrisla's sponsor, Chrisla, and Chrisla's Teacher.
Almost there!
The Kenscoff school we visited.
The Santis Home.
The whole gang in front of the Santis home.
One of the teachers from the school with the list of kids that have shown interest in attending the school again!
These views though...
Play time is so fun.
Precious moments.
The school and that view!!
Morgan and Chrisla.
Infront of the church and school!
Josue, Paige, Abraham.
Chrisla and her sponsor.